All Children having received their First Holy Communion are welcome to serve as Altar Servers.

Each Sunday during school term time our Parish has an organised Children’s Liturgy at the 9am Mass with the aim of bringing the message of Christ to children in a way that is easy for them to understand and enjoy.
At the beginning of Mass, children are invited to go with the leaders to the Parish Centre. Whilst in the centre they participate in prayers and hymns and listen to a simplified version of the Gospel for that day.
Once the Gospel has been read we encourage the children to discuss the story and its meaning whilst enjoying an activity based on the theme. The children are led back into the church for the Offertory procession taking the bread and wine up to the altar.
Chatter kids playgroup
A Community Playgroup at Our Lady of The Rosary Church Blackfen for children 0-5 years. Structured using the Early Years framework.
Running 9.30-11am Every Monday at 7th Sidcup scouts – 55 to 57 Wellington avenue, DA15 9HF
Every Tuesday and Wednesday at Our Lady of the Rosary hall.
From September 2021 the prices will be;
Parent/Carer + 1 child = £5.00
Each additional child thereafter will cost £2.50
Elsa Michael is running this group
Lunch Club
The team serves soup, main (fish) and dessert and tea’s and coffee.
Every Friday 11am – 2pm
UCM – Union of Catholic Mothers
We are a National Organisation of Catholic Women, open to all women of all ages who support our aims and objectives in …’prayer, love and active witness to marriage, family and Christian life in the world’
Church Cleaners
Eucharistic Ministers